Haus Financial Services focuses exclusively on smaller condominium associations…
Smaller condominium associations typically do not require the full range of services included in a contract with a traditional property management and often the cost of those services is prohibitive. Since 2007, Haus Financial Services has been devoted to supporting buildings of up to 20 units at reasonable fees and with small condo expertise . We do not aim to be everything to every association–we want to be a reliable partner for your small condominium.
Haus Financial Services reduces board members’ time and stress…
Smaller condominium associations that do not employ a property management company must absorb the responsibility of managing the financial well-being of the building themselves. This means a lot of time and stress for owners who volunteer to serve their community, particularly if they do not have any accounting experience. It can also lead to conflict between owners when it comes to collecting overdue assessments and enforcing late fees. Having a third party to handle these delicate matters helps to avoid unnecessary upset.
Haus Financial Services allows you to choose and connect with your service providers directly…
Though HausFS does not manage the physical maintenance of your building, we do post our client-recommended vendors on the Chicago Condo Resource. This website helps boards connect with service providers that have been used successfully by our clients. Clients are not bound to any particular vendors, so they are always able to make a change when they are unhappy with a service.