Our services ensure financial stability, cost-effective management support and legal compliance for your association. Tailored to condo associations up to 20 units with small budgets.
We provide complete financial and administrative processing with our Basic Service Package. We also work closely with Board members and their legal counsel regarding delinquency issues and consult on management processes as well as provide other support through our Supplemental Management Support Services.
Our Association Success Package helps new condo associations to get off on the right foot. We’ll guide your board through the turnover process, reconcile the developer’s financial records, prepare a reasonable budget and educate your new Board on Best Practices. The Association Success Package is also a great option for existing condo associations who feel they need to get better organized or resolve chronic issues.
HausFS has partnered with other condo association experts to create ChicagoCondoResource.com, an online resource featuring education and management support for condo owners and board members.
Our goal is to reduce time commitments for owners, provide accurate data for Board decisions, and educate Boards members and owners on community living. The end result is a well-managed association that makes a positive contribution to the community at large.
HausFS does not seek to be everything to all associations. We aim to be a reliable, trusted partner for your small condominium association.